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EB News of the Week – 3/10/14

* Pinnacle Transplant Technologies Wins 2014 Venture Madness Competition!  [ArizonaRepublic] [AZTechBeat] * Teen Entrepreneurs Ready To Make Their Big Pitch in Phoenix  [PhoenixBusinessJournal] * Elon Musk:  5 Areas That Will Have The Most Important Effect on Humanity  [Inc] * Giving Older Entrepreneurs a Boost  [Businessweek] * Entrepreneurs Push Back Against Rising LLC Fees  [WallStreetJournal]


EB News of the Week – 8/26/13

* Numbers Don’t Lie: Tesla Is Beginning To Put The Hurt On the Competition  [Forbes] * Open Plan Offices: Not All They’re Cracked Up To Be  [Inc] * Small Employer Health Plans Push Cost Onto Workers  [Businessweek] * How An Arcane Coding Method From 1970s Banking Software Could Save The Sanity Of Web Developers Everywhere  […]

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