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Irish Citizens Get Access to Unused Australian E-3 Work Visas

H.R. 7164, passed by the House of Representatives recently, proposes to provide Irish workers with access to the coveted E-3 visa program. The bipartisan Bill seeks to provide Irish citizens with access to any unused E-3 visas from the prior fiscal year. Currently, E-3 visas are  only available to Australian citizens. The Bill is a […]

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TN Visas Remain Under NAFTA Replacement

Despite rumors that the TN visa category would be eliminated when the North America Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) was replaced, the new US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”) appears to preserve the status quo. Consensus over the replacement trade agreement was announced on the evening of September 30, 2018. Notably, the text of USMCA’s Chapter 16 – granting […]

Federal Paid Time Off: Sen. Rubio’s Social Security Paid Leave Proposal.

Titled the Economic Security for New Parents Act, Senator Marco Rubio’s bill is the latest in a string of federal paid leave proposals.  According to Senator Rubio’s release, Senate Bill 3345 “[c]reates an option for new parents to pull forward a portion of their Social Security to use for paid parental leave after the birth […]

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Could a single, nationwide paid sick leave law become a reality and cure a multi-jurisdictional employer’s woes? Maybe.

In light of the ever-growing number of states and local governments mandating paid sick leave requirements for private employers, some federal paid sick leave bills have been proposed. Some proponents have called for federal intervention to alleviate multijurisdictional employers from having to comply with a myriad of State and local laws – which are often different […]

Of Counsel

New Jersey Joins The Paid Sick Time Movement

On May 2, 2018, Governor Phil Murphy signed bill making New Jersey the 10th state to require employers to provide paid sick leave for employees. The law, which takes effect on October 29, 2018, requires employers to give workers one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, with an annual cap of 40 […]

Legal Alert: U.S. Supreme Court Adopts a “Fair Reading” Standard for FLSA Exemptions

In this week’s L&E Legal Alert, Jennifer Yee and Josh Woodard take a deeper dive into the Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro where the U.S. Supreme Court rejected  the longstanding principle that courts construe FLSA exemptions narrowly and, instead, adopted a “fair reading” standard. For more information, see here.

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Immigration Update: USCIS reaches FY 2019 H-1B Visa Cap

USCIS has reached the 65,000 H-1B visa cap and the 20,000 visa U.S. advanced degree exemption (the “master’s cap”) for fiscal year 2019. The agency will reject and return filing fees for all unselected cap-subject petitions that are not prohibited multiple filings. USCIS will continue to accept and process petitions that are otherwise exempt from […]

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