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New U.S. Supreme Court Case Casts a Wide Net on What Is Considered Discrimination

By Tiffanny Brosnan and Marian Zapata-Rossa Title VII, the federal standard for workplace discrimination cases, prohibits discrimination against individuals with respect to their “compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment,” based on the individual’s “race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” 42 USC sec. 2000e-2(a)(1). But what constitutes a term, condition or privilege of employment […]

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California End-of-Year Employment Law Wrap Up

It’s that time of year for employers to make their lists and check them twice. While doing so, there are several new employment laws to consider for 2023. The following outlines the major new laws that will affect most employers with California employees. Each of these are effective January 1, 2023 unless otherwise stated herein. […]

What’s New This Week In California COVID law?

California employers have certainly had to be on their toes these last two years when it comes to dealing with COVID in the workplace. This week was no different. The Labor Commissioner just released the mandatory poster regarding the 2022 version of COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave. English and Spanish versions of the poster can […]

Department of Justice Affirms Employers’ Ability to Mandate Vaccines

When the EEOC confirmed months ago that employers could mandate Covid-19 vaccines without violating employment laws, the agency did not answer a lingering question regarding a non-employment statute, section 564 of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act (Section 564) which governs the vaccines’ emergency use status. Section 564 contains an “option to accept or refuse” […]

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California’s New COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave—Senate Bill No. 95

On March 19, 2021, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill No. 95 which requires covered employers to provide a new bank of supplemental paid sick leave for certain COVID-19-related reasons. This bill goes into effect 10 days from enactment, on March 29, 2021, and will expire September 30, 2021. This bill is broader in many respects than Assembly […]

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Former Associate

Can Companies Use the Outside Sales Exemption During a Pandemic?

COVID-19 has altered the way nearly every employee performs their work. Videoconferencing and phone calls have largely replaced in-person visits and face-to-face meetings in many workplaces. By extension, many sales employees who used to visit customers in person now do so remotely. While convenient, this practice may compromise their status as exempt employees under federal […]

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Voting Rights – Key Questions for Employers

Movie stars, musicians and athletes are popping up everywhere urging Americans to vote. Your employees are getting the message. So, what happens if an employee asks to take time off of work to vote? Do you have to grant the time off? Do you have to pay for the time? The answers to these questions […]

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California Mandates COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for Employers Not Covered by the FFCRA

Large employers in California must now comply with a California version of the federal Families First COVID Response Act (“FFCRA”). On September 10, 2020, the California legislature passed Assembly Bill No. 1867 requiring employers with 500 or more employees and health care providers to provide 80 hours of supplemental paid sick leave to employees who […]

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Eligibility for Families First Coronavirus Response Act Leave Under Different School Reopening Models

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) provides covered employees with up to 10 days of emergency paid sick leave and up to 12 workweeks of expanded family and medical leave, 10 workweeks of which are paid, if they cannot work or telework because they need to care for a child whose school is closed […]

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